Katie DeMartini and I threw a very successful baby shower. We had thirty lovely ladies from the Goleta Valley Ward in our backyard enjoying the lights left up from the Pirate Wedding last month.
My colorful take on these bad boys
I realize that I need to be better about taking pictures with actual people in them. But it was dark, and I am just not pro enough with my camera to make anything look good. Maybe next time.
Thank you to Katie DeMartinini for being amazing and throwing this thing with me, Jocelyn DeMartinini for showing up and saving the day, Ben for coming home just to move the tables and chairs from the community center, Jack for helping him move them back late at night. Everyone who brought food, Jo for directing traffic and making sure all the little old ladies found it and finally Katie Erb for getting Knocked up so that so that we could party in the first place.
*delighted gasp!* Did you make those chocolate-dipped cake bites?!
this was a good party. good job rileigh. you make life beautiful.
Yeah I did. They were a big "learning experience" next time I will do several things differently but they tasted pretty good.
Good Job! I wish I could have been there... I MISS EVERYONE! And I miss the playground in your front yard!
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