This week has been such a roller coaster. It all started the second we got back from San Diego. My dad was in town to take Katelyn to Utah.
Jocelyn expressed her artistic expression with paint during Growing Times, not feeling limited to the paper provided.
and enjoyed some story time with Grandpa Kyle.
Mother's Day came which was spent in the truest sense of the calling of motherhood, Jocelyn was horribly sick and spent the whole day in my arms throwing up into a bowl. It was the saddest thing in the world. I have to say Ben and Jason were awesome, running around at my beck and call so that I could comfort her. Ben who was out of town until late Saturday night had Jason play helper elf and get beautiful flowers and delicious food for breakfast in bed and killer manicotti for dinner.
Unfortunately the next day as Jocelyn started to improve, I got hit by the stomach flu... hard. I got so dehydrated that I spent Monday night in the hospital because I was starting to have contractions. 12 hours and 4 liters of IV fluid later the contractions stopped and I was ready to go home. It was a good test run for Ben and I, as we realized we were so not packed for the hospital should I go into labor early. Big learning experience.
Later that night it was time for my baby shower. It was LOVELY, and I don't mean to brag but, I totally scored.
Isn't this precious? Jamie Hixon my visiting teacher made some beautiful decorations.
I would have taken more pictures, and better ones. The food looked AMAZING, (but I had just gotten out of the hospital and wasn't quite all there)
I would have taken more pictures, and better ones. The food looked AMAZING, (but I had just gotten out of the hospital and wasn't quite all there)
I was finally starting to feel better so Ben and I saw Star Trek, which rocked my world. Warning to all pregnant women: I cried my eyes out during the first 10 minutes. However, that night my boys who had been SO strong all week both started to come down with the stomach flu. I have mentioned how much I love my husband yet? He is amazing, like superman only better. It is now my turn to take care of them, though I have to say they took better care of me.
Boys gratefully not as sick as Joce or I but still spent the day sleeping and watching really bad wrestling movies from the 80s. Jocelyn and I got out of the house to let them rest and took some mother daughter pictures with the wonderfully talented Christine Olson. I can't wait to see how they turn out. We went Meichelle Arntz beautiful home and took pictures with the dogs and horses. Jocelyn was all over the dog but totally freaked out by the horses.
Now it is the wee hours of Friday morning and I am up with heartburn and a tap dancing fetus, posting pictures and telling stories of my whirl wind of a week, of a life really. I will tell you this, I am grateful for the priesthood in my home, I am grateful for a heavenly father who loves me unconditionally and a savior who has been my friend as long as I can remember. I am grateful for a husband that completes me as a person and challenges me to be better, he brings out the best in me and the others around him, marrying him was the best decision I have ever made. I am grateful for a little girl so full of energy and love, a new life growing inside of me waiting to come out and greet the world. I am grateful to live near my family and share in their lives and loves, and for friends that are their for me when I need them. I don't know how in just a few weeks I am going to leave my family and friends behind and move to the otherside of the country. You all inspire me daily, thank you for your love and your friendships. I love you.
Wow. I'm glad you got through it all. And, I'm glad that the first picture is of paint, because at first, I thought it was poo.
Yeah, after I posted that picture I realized the paint kinda looked like poo. I should have encouraged her to use more purple.
Wow. So sorry to hear about the extremity of the sickness, but I'm glad you were better for the shower. Thanks for humoring me and taking pictures of my poor attempt at floral arrangement. I really shouldn't have tried what with you being the Flower Queen and all. It was a great shower though! You have a lot of wonderful frinds.
But you're moving closer to an old friend that can hopefully take over some of those duties that were provided by other friends! I really am SO DANG excited that you'll be so close!!!
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